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EFFO-COE: Construction and training to fight HCID in Rwanda

EFFO - Center Of Excellence (EFFO-COE) is a project aimed at strengthening the skills of health care workers to respond effectively and safely to outbreaks of High-Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs), such as Ebola Disease (EBOD).

Latest news

Center of Excellence Construction: Kick-off meeting held

Center of Excellence Construction: Kick-off meeting held

A kick-off meeting was held on the ground plot in Masaka / Kigali, where the future Center of Excellence (CoE) is going to be constructed. EFFO-CoE project coordination as well as representatives from the construction company, construction supervision company and Rwanda Housing Authority were on-site (19.12.2023)

EFFO-Training Workshop was held in Kigali

EFFO-Training Workshop was held in Kigali

The purpose was the conception and design of the training strategy and future curriculum for the EFFO-Center of Excellence (01.12.2022)

Rwanda reactivates EFFO master trainers in response to EVD outbreak in Uganda

Rwanda reactivates EFFO master trainers in response to EVD outbreak in Uganda

To improve the response to the EVD outbreak in Uganda, EFFO-Master Trainers, initially trained in 2019, have been reactivated in Rwanda (13.10.2022)

EFFO delegation in Rwanda: First planning meetings for the construction of a special isolation unit

EFFO delegation in Rwanda: First planning meetings for the construction of a special isolation unit

From 20.11.2021 - 28.11.2021, EFFO project staff from the Robert Koch-Institute, the Technische Universität Braunschweig and the Department of Infectious Diseases and Respiratory Medicine of the Charite University Hospital Berlin travelled to Rwanda (12.2021).

Further information

Usefull links

Usefull links

Find useful links about Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and other High-Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs) here.

Resources for EFFO Trainers

Resources for <abbr title="Efficiency by Edification">EFFO</abbr> Trainers

Compilation of resources to inspire EFFO trainers.

Additional Information


Project team

Supporting partners

    Logo of the German  Federal Ministry of Health (© BMG) Logo of the Global Health Protection Programme (© GHPP)



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


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The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute
within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

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