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Center of Excellence Construction: Kick-off meeting (December 2023)

A kick-off meeting was held on the ground plot in Masaka / Kigali, where the future Center of Excellence (CoE) is going to be constructed. EFFO-CoE project coordination as well as representatives from the construction company, construction supervision company and Rwanda Housing Authority were on-site. The CoE will, once constructed, comprise a 10-bed high-level isolation unit that facilitates the clinical management of High Consequence Infectious Diseases as well as training facilities in order to train specialized Health Care staff.

The kick-off meeting was preceded by a thorough construction planning process including a construction needs assessment as well as detailed planning processes (e.g. ventilation system, mechanical/electrical/plumbing) in 2022 and 2023.

After a tendering process initiated by Rwandan project partners, a contract was signed between Rwanda Housing Authority and the selected bidder, HYGEBAT construction company. This contract now paves the way forward to construction.

Next steps are going to be the site preparation and commencing of construction works. The EFFO-CoE team is going to provide updates on this website in due course.

Kick-off-meeting 2023.

Date: 22.12.2023

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