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EFFO-Training Workshop was held in Kigali (November 2022)

An EFFO training workshop was held in Kigali on 15-18 November 2022.  The purpose of the event was the conception and design of the training strategy and future curriculum for the EFFO-Center of Excellence.

The event was moderated by the Robert Koch Institute in its role as project coordinator.

Using a participatory approach, the topics addressed included: staff to be trained, main training needs, potential training partners, didactic and monitoring strategies, and sustainable operational and institutional aspects of the COE. The results of the workshop discussions are the basis for the conception and design of the training strategy and future curriculum for the COE.

During the event, working groups became organized and are currently developing training pilots to be held the first quarter of 2023. These will include several online modules and webinars as well as practical simulation exercises in a hospital setting in Kigali.

Participants of the EFFO-COE Training Workshop in Kigali - Rwanda (© EFFO) Participants of the EFFO-COE Training Workshop in Kigali - Rwanda (© EFFO)

Date: 13.10.2022

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Project team

Supporting partners

    Logo of the German  Federal Ministry of Health (© BMG) Logo of the Global Health Protection Programme (© GHPP)



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


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The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute
within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

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