Rwanda mobilizes EFFO master trainers in response to EVD outbreak in Uganda
On September 20, 2022, an outbreak of Sudan Ebola Virus Disease was officially declared in Uganda. Four months later on January 11, 2023, the country declared the outbreak as ended.
Rwanda reactivates EFFO Master Trainers in frotn of the EVD outbreak in Uganda (© RKI)
By that date, according to reports from Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uganda, the outbreak consisted of 142 laboratory-confirmed cases and 55 deaths confirmed cases of Sudan Ebola Virus Disease. Among the greater that 19 health workers infected, seven died. The outbreak started in the Mubende district, 80 km west of the capital Kampala, but one death (confirmed case) was recorded in Ugandas’ capital Kampala on October 11, 2022.
As there is currently no effective vaccine against this virus clade, the WHO supported local authorities to activate supportive care strategies, including the mobilization of health workers trained in HCID management and the setup of isolation units for the transfer of suspected cases (WHO).
To improve response to the outbreak, EFFO-Master Trainers, initially trained in 2019, were mobilized in Rwanda.
Background: Part of the emergency preparedness in 2019, when faced with the EVD outbreak in North Kivu/South Kivu/Ituri (Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo) involved training nine doctors and fifteen nurses as EFFO Master Trainers on EFFO-I/II projects. To respond to the situation at that time and in cooperation with the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), seven of these master trainers were deployed at the University Teaching Hospital of Butare (CHUB) in the Huye District to train staff on IPC principles and patient triage.
Date: 12.10.2022