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Rwandan Minister of Health and Head of the Rwanda Biomedical Center at RKI and Charité

Dr. Daniel Ngmaije and Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana in Berlin

On 26 August 2021, the Rwandan Minister of Health, Dr Daniel Ngmaije, and the Head of the Rwanda Biomedical Center, Dr Sabin Nsanzimana, visited the Robert Koch Institute and Charité University Medicine.

The participants were welcomed by Dr. Frank Mockenhaupt and Dr. Maximilian Gertler at the tropical medicine outpatient clinic at Charité University Medical Center, followed by a visit to the special isolation ward at Charité University Medical Center.

At the Robert Koch Institute in Seestraße, Vice President of the RKI Dr. Lars Schaade and Dr. Johanna Hanefeld, Head of the Centre for International Health Protection received the delegation. All sides expressed their appreciation for the joint cooperation and the great interest in deepening it in the future.

MoH Ruanda, ZIG, EFFO RKI, BMGfrom right to left: Dr. Hanefeld, head of ZIG at RKI; Dr. Schaade vice-president RKI; Dr. Nsanzimana head of RBC Rwanda; Dr. Ngamije health minister Rwanda; Mr. Krüger (embassy Rwanda in Germany); Mr. Kramer BMG, Mrs. Niebank head of ZBS7.1; Mrs. Schmidmeier EFFO (© RKI)

Date: 26.08.2021

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