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Meeting EFFO project with Rwandan Minister of Health Dr. Daniel NGAMIJE

On 7 July 2021, a delegation from the EFFO project met with Rwanda's Minister of Health, Dr Daniel NGAMIJE. 

Technical discussions took place with the virtual connection of the ZIG 4 department of the Robert Koch Institute. Experts from the Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG 4) and Thomas Kurz, the German Ambassador to Rwanda, were virtually connected to the meeting.


Subject of discussions: Training of Rwandan laboratory staff in ​​"Genetic sequencing of SARS COV-2".

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Meeting EFFO project representatives with Rwandan Minister of Health Dr. Daniel NGAMIJE (© RKI) from left to right: Dr Gatare SWAIBU, Head of Department of Biomedical Services at RBC; Dr Thomas KRATZ, Project coordination of EFFO project at RKI; Dr Daniel NGAMIJE, Minister of Health of Rwanda; Dr Maximilian GERTLER, Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health at Charité University Hospital, Berlin; Dr Sabin NSANZIMANA, Director General of Rwanda Biomedical Centre; Dr Robert RUTAYISIRE, Division Manager of National Reference Laboratory at RBC (© RKI)

Date: 07.07.2021

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