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Clinical Management Webseminars

In addition to the existing technical exchange with colleagues in the partner countries, EFFO expanded its digital learning and teaching programme. Webinars on clinical management of COVID-19 in intensive care unit (ICU) settings in Rwanda are being realized in collaboration with the Rwanda Biomedical Centre and Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin.

Digital learning and teaching (© RKI)Digital learning and teaching (© RKI)

In the future, EFFO plans to create a platform for online exchange with RBC in Rwanda. The transfer of existing knowledge to new contexts will be strengthened, especially at trainer level. In the further course of the project, the development of a webseminar series on case studies, infection prevention and control (IPC) as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) is envisaged. Similarities and differences of various types of PPE as well as challenges in its use will be integrated. The units of temporary isolation, which are being built within the framework of EFFO-HCF (Health Care Facilities), are also to be supported with targeted online trainings in order to strengthen their satellite-based capacity for the respective region.

Due to current travel restrictions, there will be continuous joint efforts to make communication and cooperation as easy and efficient as possible, even across distance. For this purpose, the digital infrastructure for conducting training activities and exchange is to be expanded and strengthened.

Date: 01.06.2020

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    Logo of the German  Federal Ministry of Health (© BMG) Logo of the Global Health Protection Programme (© GHPP)



EF­FO-COE Project


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