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Handbook for Training Activities 


This handbook is the result of EFFO projects carried out prior to the EFFO-COE project. It was compiled and designed to inspire EFFO trainers to organize and run future training courses.

We hope to be able to support you while you prepare yourself and your staff on how to deal with suspected cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) or other High-Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs).


Click on the following links to explore the contents:

Complementary training materials

The practical exercises (e.g. donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment - PPE) shall only be instructed by experienced trainers. These practical skills cannot just be learned through a demonstration. Mastering these skills will require regular practice. For an overview on the proper management of Personal Protective Equipment please review some these didactic resources:

When required, we gladly put you in contact with an experienced EFFO trainer.



The measures and directives have no binding character whatsoever; they are expressly noncommittal and consider the given state of knowledge.

See Imprint

Date: 01.09.2017



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


About us


The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute
within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

© Robert Koch Institute

All rights reserved unless explicitly granted.