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Handbook by Days

Under this heading, you will find instructions and resources for activities sorted according to the curriculum.

The menu item “Handbook by activity” lists the same resources sorted by type of activity.

Day 1

Day 1 © RKIThe first training day starts with some exercises to learn about participants’ motivation and prior experience.


Day 2

Day 2 © RKIThe second training day includes a reiteration of the standard precautions and the first simulation exercise with personal protective equipment.


Day 3

Day 3 © RKIOn the third and last training day the contents are further elaborated and summarized to generate tangible results.


Date: 01.09.2015



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


About us


The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute
within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

© Robert Koch Institute

All rights reserved unless explicitly granted.