Simulation exercise Personal Protective Equipment - PPE (2)
Method: practical exercise
Duration: about 2 hours
Objective: revising donning and doffing personal protective equipment (PPE); practising decontamination, cleaning and waste management in the red zone
Group: in pairs
Equipment: see separate checklist for the practical exercise; a sufficient quantity of drinking water (about 2 litres per participant)
Contents and plan
Preparations and plan generally the same as for Simulation exercise PPE (1).
In this exercise, the focus is placed on jobs within the red zone.
Depending on the number and level of the participants, it may be more effective to limit the number of pairs to 1-3, while the other participants observe their actions.
Exercise: hospital waste management (© RKI)
The steps in the exercise are:
- Donning PPE in the green zone, supervised by a trainer
- Proceeding from the green zone to the red zone
- In the red zone: waste management/laundry management/cleaning contaminated equipment (e.g. from patient’s vomit)
- Proceeding to the yellow zone
- Doffing PPE following the guidelines from the doffing instructor, supervised by a trainer
- Proceeding to the green zone
After the exercise, everyone sits in a circle for debriefing. Each participant and each trainer gives a brief impression of their experience, beginning by saying “The most important thing for me was…”.
You are responsible for the participants’ safety! Wearing Personal Protective Equipment - PPE can cause a certain amount of physical and psychological stress.
Trainers are responsible for ensuring that:
- only participants apt to wear PPE dress PPE;
- participants drink enough water before putting on their PPE;
- participants do not spend too much time in their PPE;
- there are chairs at the training site for resting in the event of fatigue.
Date: 01.09.2015