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Statements on Ebola Virus Disease: true or false? (1)/(2)


Method: questions-answers “red-yellow-green”
Duration: about 25 minutes
Objective: revise facts about Ebola virus disease (EVD)
Group: everyone together
Equipment: document with statements (1) or (2); document with answers and additional information (1) or (2); video projector; 1 card of each colour (red, yellow and green) for each participant

Contents and plan

Explain the principle that each colour corresponds to a response:

Green = “true”
Red = “false”
Yellow = “don’t know”

The trainer throws out a statement about Ebola virus disease (EVD) to the participants. Each participant then decides whether they approve (green), disapprove (red) or do not know (yellow). Participants raise the card corresponding to their answer. The trainer then leads a discussion about the different statements, making sure everyone understands the correct answer.

Participants raise the cards corresponding to their answers © EFFOParticipants raise the cards corresponding to their answers (© RKI)

The group thus addresses one statement after the other.

The additional information in the trainer’s manual help the trainer to lead the discussion.


This activity is done two times during an EFFO training with different statements each time. That is why you will find a part (1) and a part (2) of the training materials.

Date: 01.09.2015



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