Practice: goggles, hood and mask
Method: practical exercise
Duration: 45 minutes
Objective: practising putting on and taking off masks, hoods and goggles
Group: everyone, with the participants remaining at their tables
Equipment: masks, hoods, goggles (for each participant and for the demonstration), 2 mirrors
Contents and plan
Before beginning the exercise, the trainer explains the importance of practising the gestures with individual elements of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before wearing the full combination.
One trainer explains each gesture while the other trainer gives the demonstration. Then, participants practise in pairs, helping each other under the supervision of the trainers.
After preparation and inspection of the material, the stages are as follows:
- Put on the mask
- Put on the hood
- Put on the goggles
- Check yourself, check your partner and use adhesive tape to cover any exposed areas of skin
- Remove the goggles
- Remove the hood
- Remove the mask
At the end of the exercise, the trainer asks the participants to keep the mask, hood and goggles for the following exercises. In real-life situations, single-use equipment (e.g. masks and hoods) must not be reused. Reusable equipment (e.g. goggles or boots) may be disinfected and reused.
Ensure that the participants have understood that reusing single-use equipment during the training is intended to keep costs down.
Date: 01.09.2015