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Handbook by activity

Select a category to find the instructions and materials for the respective activities.

Ice-breaker activities

Participants of an EFFO-training during the ice-breaker activity "I've got a ball © RKIEFFO training courses sometimes bring new groups of people together. Learning is easier in a relaxed atmosphere.


PowerPoint presentations

A trainer in Burkina Faso during the presentation of Module 6, © RKIPowerPoint presentations offer a theoretical introduction to each module and establish the central theme of the program.


Practice and simulation

A person holding clinical gloves during a praxis and simulation training  (© RKI)For the care of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) patients, certain sequences and movements must be mastered in a safe and routine manner. This requires regular practical training.


Transfer and reflection

Transfer + Reflexion © RKITransfer exercises are important to understand content and apply this content in practice. Reflection exercises provide the opportunity to deal with specific Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case challenges.


Date: 01.08.2017



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


About us


The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute
within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

© Robert Koch Institute

All rights reserved unless explicitly granted.