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Workshops and Training

People in the coffee break during an EFFO-Workshop (© RKI)People in the coffee break during an EFFO-Workshop (© RKI)

Workshop for a supervision and evaluation strategy

In April 2014, trainers met in Dakar to reflect on the work completed so far in the EFFO project, and to identify key indicators for supervisory visits. These are also used for evaluation purposes. This allowed information to be exchanged and work-processes to be structured. Supervision services were supported by the Medmissio - Institute for Global Health.

The first simulation exercise for a project evaluation took place in May 2014 in one of the healthcare facilities in Dakar. The goal was to see if trained personnel were able to apply their knowledge one month after receiving training. The exercise returned very positive results. It also became obvious that waste management (e.g., of PPE-Personal Protective Equipment) was proving to be an important challenge. This led to revision of the training material.

Train- the-trainer workshop

A follow-up training course for trainers was held in Thiès in April 2015. Some participants at that time still had no experience with PPE-Personal Protective Equipment.

A total of 25 people conducted training courses as part of the project, using the training material from the EFFO project. As healthcare facility staff needed to be trained as quickly as possible due to the imminent Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) risk, it was not feasible for all participants to take part in the train-the-trainer program.

EFFO training

A total of 76 healthcare facilities have run EFFO training courses in Senegal. Most took place in 2014. Supervision is coordinated and supported from Dakar through the “Association Nationale des Postes de Santé Catholiques du Sénégal” (ANPSCS). The EFFO coordinator from Burkina Faso also attended some of the supervision activities.

Date: 20.09.2019



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


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