Burkina Faso (2014-2020)
Map of Burkina Faso (© Peter Hermes Furian - Fotolia.com)
Burkina Faso is the country in which the EFFO project first started up, thanks to the efforts of the Robert Koch Institute and the Medmissio Institute for Global Health.
This West African nation borders Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Niger. During the 2014 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, based on its geographical location and its trade routes with the countries most affected by EVD, the World Health Organization (WHO) prioritized preparedness for a possible EVD outbreak in Burkina Faso.
Burkina Faso was particularly suited to be the pilot country for the EFFO project, because the development of new teaching and learning programs require motivation, a reason and willingness. A country already hit by EVD would not have been a suitable candidate for the project’s initial phase, since the clearly established priority was that any new approaches would provide security and avoid panic responses.
In September and October 2014, representatives of the Medmissio Institute for Global Health travelled to Burkina Faso, identifying OCADES Caritas Burkina as a local partner organization. As in all EFFO countries, the project was discussed with the Ministry of Health. EFFO began in Burkina Faso in October 2014. The coordination, realization and logistical organization of training courses was made possible by the joint work of the Medmissio Institute for Global Health and Operndorf Afrika in Ziniaré, Burkina Faso.
Date: 01.09.2019