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Operndorf Afrika and Robert Koch Institute: a joint-workshop

Operndorf Afrika has been a permanent cooperation partner of the EFFO project since 2017.

Measures for preventing outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) are generally effective against other infectious diseases, whilst training is useful to maintain and update knowledge. In line with this, the first pilot training course, focusing on EVD and Lassa Fever, was conducted by the Medmissio Institute for Global Health, in Operndorf Afrika, in June 2017.

In 2019 the RKI and Operndorf Afrika organized a joint-workshop about High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs) in Berlin. The aim was to connect different actors from the project country Burkina Faso and build capacities at the local level.

In February 2020 a follow-up event took place on the grounds of Operndorf Afrika in Burkina Faso. Operndorf Afrika was responsible for the logistical organisation of the event. Furthermore, an exchange in the field of theatre pedagogy and didactics allowed to implement new methods and to better adapt training sessions to the needs of the target group.

Date: 06.09.2022



EF­FO-COE Project


Train­ing Re­sources


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