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November 2018: Second EFFO Trainer Cohort in Rwanda

After four intensive train-the-trainer days in Kigali, the new trainers conducted an EFFO training for 15 nurses from the Rubavu District on the border with the DRC. They were supervised by the German EFFO team.

The "train-the-trainer" event took place in partnership with the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC). The ten new trainers worked in the border region of the DRC. There is now a total of 19 EFFO trainers in Rwanda who can prepare their colleagues, for the emergency situation of an outbreak, in health facilities of the border regions.

Photo documentation

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The donning of personal protective equipment (PPE) is practised (© RKI) The donning of personal protective equipment (PPE) is practised (© RKI)

Date: 03.12.2018



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